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Philadelphia County Estate Planning

Philadelphia County Estate Planning Attorney Serving Clients Throughout the Area

Offering Services For Philadelphia Clients

As an estate planning attorney offering services to clients in Philadelphia County, PA, while based in Elkins Park, it’s important to provide comprehensive estate planning that includes wills, revocable living trusts, irrevocable trusts, durable powers of attorney, and healthcare documents. Many Philadelphia County residents may not realize that they already have an estate plan by default. Without a personalized legal plan, their estate will be distributed after their death in accordance with the intestacy laws of Pennsylvania. By establishing a detailed estate plan, individuals can ensure that their estate is managed and distributed according to their specific wishes, not the state’s default rules.

Philadelphia County PA Estate Planning Lawyers

We are committed to assisting you in this process and ensuring that your estate plan reflects your individual needs and circumstances, even if you are based in Philadelphia County.

Estate Planning Services for Philadelphia County Residents:

Your Last Will and Testament:

For residents of Philadelphia County, a last will and testament is a critical component of a well-rounded estate plan. Without a will, an individual is considered to have died “intestate,” meaning that state laws will govern how their assets are distributed.

A will is activated only upon death and does not manage personal affairs during incapacitation due to illness or injury. A will does not avoid the probate process; it is essentially a formal initiation into probate. It is vital to use a will to designate guardians for minor children, as failing to do so can lead to family disputes and potential misplacement of the children.

Powers of Attorney:

In Philadelphia County, establishing a power of attorney is crucial. This document gives someone else (the attorney-in-fact) the legal authority to make decisions on your behalf, with the extent of this authority defined by the document. Powers of attorney are invalidated upon the death of the creator and may also cease if the creator becomes incapacitated. A durable power of attorney is essential for ensuring that decision-making can continue in the event of incapacitation. It’s important to regularly update this document, as older versions may not be accepted by financial institutions.

Health Care Documents (or Advance Directives):

Advance directives are important legal documents for residents of Philadelphia County, enabling individuals over 18 to specify their preferred medical and personal care in the event they become unable to make their own decisions. These documents are enforceable in Pennsylvania and allow you to appoint someone to make and communicate decisions on your behalf. They also enable you to express your wishes regarding life-prolonging treatments under certain medical conditions. Including an authorization for medical providers to release information to your designated decision-maker is also advisable to ensure your healthcare preferences are followed.

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Book An Initial Call With Ravenell Law, LLC Now

Whether you’re in need of an estate planning update, or if you need to determine whether your plan is due for an update, book a call today to get your plan up to date!